“Bambarek Awith” is a 2024 Sri Lankan teledrama directed by Charith Abeysinghe, airing on Hiru TV. The series is a contemporary drama that delves into the everyday struggles and aspirations of its characters living in a rural Sri Lankan village. The plot captures themes of family, community conflicts, and the pursuit of dreams, showcasing how the protagonists navigate challenges while staying true to their roots.
The show features a talented cast, including prominent Sri Lankan actors who bring depth and realism to their roles. The direction by Charith Abeysinghe highlights the intricate relationships and emotional dynamics within the community, making “Bambarek Awith” a captivating and relatable series for the audience
Charith Abesinghe
Saman Kumara Gamage
Charith Abesinghe, Ananda Kumaraunnahe, Vinu perera, Madara
Sewwandi, Sudharshani Gelanigama