“Thadee” is a 2021 Sri Lankan teledrama directed by Charith Abeysinghe. The series, broadcast on ITN, revolves around themes of love, betrayal, and redemption, focusing on the intertwined lives of its characters. The show became popular for its intense storytelling and engaging character development.
The main cast includes Madhavee Wathsala Anthony and Richard Manawadu, who deliver compelling performances that add depth to the narrative. The series was well-received, earning recognition at the Sumathi Awards for its engaging plot and production quality
Charith Abeysinghe
Chamara Prasanna Kodithuwakku
Madhavee Anthony, Meena Kumari, Richard Manawadu, Dananjaya Siriwardena, Saranga Dissasekara, Shanudrie Priyasad, Senura Peiris