“Yan” is a Sri Lankan teledrama that aired in 2019, directed by Charith Abeysinghe. The show is produced by Sanjeewani Bulathsinhala and features a cast that includes Poojani Bagya, Madushan Hathlahawaththa, Danushka Jayasinghe, and Akalanka Prabashwara. The teledrama explores themes of love, betrayal, and the complex dynamics of relationships set against a contemporary backdrop.
The storyline revolves around the characters’ struggles and emotional conflicts as they navigate through life-changing experiences. With music composed by Senaka Batagoda and cinematography by Prabath Dharshana, the series combines engaging storytelling with visually appealing scenes to create an impactful viewing experience
Charith Abeysinghe
Gayan Deshapriya
Poojani Bagya, Madushan Hathlahawaththa, Danushka Jayasinghe, Charith Abeysinghe, Akalanka Prabhashwara